Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Keeping Healthy

Click on the fruity link to play the game, then take the food quiz on the Excel spreadsheet. Print it out and we'll mark it. Use sheet three to make your own quiz and we'll display the best ones in class.

For an extension, go to the BBC site and get a head start on the next lesson:

Thursday, 10 September 2009

Our Favourite Authors

The links below willl take you to some super pages about books by your favourite authors:

Horrid Henry:

Roald Dahl:

The Tiara Club:

Animal Ark:

Here you will find Big Toe Books, where you can listen to your favourite stories being read out loud.

I would recommend Flat Stanley to you all. Give it a try!

The Second World War

Here is an excellent website produced by a school all about the Second World War:

Numbers, in so many words...

Use the link below to help you explore massive numbers and how they are written: