Friday, 6 November 2009

Times Tables

Here's an activity to help with times tables:

Friday, 16 October 2009

Wednesday, 14 October 2009


Very, very very addictive! I should have definitely done some work instead of playing on this for the last half an hour!

Thursday, 1 October 2009

Olympian Decimals

Use the the link to ask and answer additions and subtractions. Use the Olympian Decimals sheet on Pupilshare to record your questions and answers.

Group 1 should use the swimming data here:

Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Keeping Healthy

Click on the fruity link to play the game, then take the food quiz on the Excel spreadsheet. Print it out and we'll mark it. Use sheet three to make your own quiz and we'll display the best ones in class.

For an extension, go to the BBC site and get a head start on the next lesson:

Thursday, 10 September 2009

Our Favourite Authors

The links below willl take you to some super pages about books by your favourite authors:

Horrid Henry:

Roald Dahl:

The Tiara Club:

Animal Ark:

Here you will find Big Toe Books, where you can listen to your favourite stories being read out loud.

I would recommend Flat Stanley to you all. Give it a try!

The Second World War

Here is an excellent website produced by a school all about the Second World War:

Numbers, in so many words...

Use the link below to help you explore massive numbers and how they are written:

Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Fantasy Football

Think you're more marvellous than Moyes? Believe you're better than Benitez? Reckon you're cleverer than Arsene the Professor?

Well now's your chance to pit your wits against fellow Heygreensters to settle once and for all who has the biggest football brain in Wavertree.

Here's what to do:

  1. Make sure you have a working email address that you can access at home or in school.
  2. Go to
  3. Sign up (ask one of your old people if you need help).
  4. Create your team name, kit and pick the players you want to spend £100 million on (TIP: You can use auto-select if you like, you just won't get a great team).
  5. Once you have done this, go to LEAGUES and JOIN PRIVATE LEAGUE. Enter the code below in the correct box and you will join the league for Heygreen Primary.


Now stand back and watch as Murphy's Mob run away with the league title!

*PLEASE NOTE: This league is for Heygreen Primary pupils and staff only. People joining who are not in this school will be ruthlessly booted out by Mr. Murphy.

Friday, 10 July 2009

Victorian Children

Find out about the jobs that children had in Victorain Britain. Think about:
  • The jobs that they did;
  • How they were treated;
  • The people who tried to help them.

Use the link from the brilliant BBC below:

Print Worksheet 1 out on the Work section and design a 'Victorian Children' display for a museum exhibition.

Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Thursday, 7 May 2009

Bitesize Revision

Here's the BBC revision site for Key Stage 2:

Remeber, if you are struggling with a particular subject, you may find what you need in the labels list across there =====>

Take the Tour 1

Let Liam take you on a tour of Heygreen Primary School:

Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Time to Learn

Use this KS3 site to learn about time. Answer the questions in your book and mark them youself.

This is a KS2 site if you're not sure how to tell the time.

Wednesday, 8 April 2009

The Second Podcast

This time the recordings were done in Podcast Club; they are all (apart from the odd hint or tip) the children's own work, right down to the finer production details. The only thing I have done is upload them to the internet (if it works that is!), so well played the kids.

For this month we will have another vote. There are two podcasts, so have a listen and vote for your favourite. Ask friends and family to vote too. There'll be another book token in it for the winner.

Friday, 27 March 2009

Big Toe Books

Here is that site I was telling you all about. The radio show is on BBC Radio 7 every weekday morning from 7 o'clock. They start Charlie and the Chocolate Factory next week!

Thursday, 26 March 2009

Our First Podcast

This was done a couple of months ago. The recordings were done by various children and put together by Naseem and Liam.


Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Edward Jenner

Here's a good site about Edward Jenner, the father of modern vaccinations:

Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Number Stories

Read the number story about James Bond, then do the quiz and print out your answer and mark for your maths book.

If you finish early, you can choose your own number stroy from here:

Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Photography Competition

Before Christmas, we took part in a photography competition run by Unison. Every child in the class received a disposable camera and a couple of lessons on photographic techniques from Mr. Murphy (who is no David Bailey himself).

Regardless, the children did a really good job of taking photos around the theme of 'Work'. The photos below were shortlisted by Ian Howarth and the good people at Unison. View them and vote for your favourite in the voting section on the right. Your family and friends are welcome to vote too. The winner will receive a prize.

Under the Car

Through the Square Window

Thoughtful Reader

Teaching Reception

Run, Man! Run!

On Yer Bike!

On the Schoolyard

Mowing the Lawn

Hanging Out the Washing

Guitar Hero

Down the Allotment

Cleaning Footballs

Thursday, 22 January 2009

Homophones Word Search - Interactive

This is my homophones wordsearch. You can use it interactively. Highlight the words and they appear on the right.

Thursday, 8 January 2009

In the News

Read the news. Make notes on who, what, where, why, when.

Monday, 5 January 2009

Parents and Carers

You will want to tell whoever looks after you at home about this kids.

The resources on the link below have been put together by people with BIG brains to let the old folks know just what it is you get up to in maths in school. They also give them hints abnd tips on how to help you. Fantastic, I'm sure you'll agree.

They can be viewed on line or printed off to read at one's leisure, so enjoy!